They came rolling in.
Gusts of wind pulling hundred year old trees down and roots up.
Rain drops flying sideways against windows which went grey.
Hail stones shattering glass and denting steel.
Noises that drowned out the weatherman who was turned all the way up.
Silences that followed.
They came rolling in.
Report after report.
Thirteen furious funnels. Then twenty six. Twenty eight.
One hundred thirty homes destroyed. Almost a thousand damaged.
Twenty two souls flying home.
Twenty three, a grandmother.
Twenty four, a child.
They came rolling in.
Of angst and thanks.
From the mourning and the blessed.
For me and for you and for ours.
They came rolling in.
Trucks and tractors and trailers.
Chainsaws and work gloves and words of hope and bottles of water.
They brought what they had to offer,
Because, down here, what’s mine is yours when yours is lost.
And a little tar on the heel can wash off but home is where the heart is and that sticks forever.
*So blessed, me and mine. Tornadoes tore through homes right up the road, but not even the flowers in our yard were destroyed. Many in my community were not so lucky. If you can, please help. http://www.digtriad.com/news/local/article/172155/57/Stop-By-Tornado-Relief-Donation-Truck-Today (Scroll down to find several donation websites, or visit the Red Cross for volunteer opportunities.)
I cannot even imagine! I live in a region that is hurricane prone, but tornados scare the beejeebuz out of me. So glad you and yours came through the storms safely.
ReplyDeleteThank you. We feel so blessed but it's hard to drive past and see all the devastation. I'm proud, though, to be a part of a community and state where everyone comes together to help those who lost almost everything. It's so very inspiring.
ReplyDeleteSad how tragedy brings us together.
ReplyDeleteSad, but uplifting as well.
Glad you are safe.
Praying for those who lost.
"what’s mine is yours when yours is lost"
"They came rolling in" is such a powerful refrain here. So perfect for describing the destruction and the relief.